Please sign-up at least three (3) days before the scheduled dates of workshops to allow teachers enough time for planning and preparation of any necessary materials. Participants signing up after that point will be accommodated if space is available. NSAL Membership is not required for workshops.
Instructor: Thomas Trausch, TWSA Master Status
“The process of painting is what the journey is all about”. Learning from award-winning master watercolorist and plein air painter Thomas Trausch is a privilege indeed! His vast knowledge and ability to teach in simple terms is amazing!
This unique workshop will cover instruction in multi media. Thomas will demonstrate in both oil and watercolor. Design, color, and value basics will be covered. You will be shown a simplified approach to adding people to your painting. We will begin with introductions at 10:00 am with a half hour lunch break. A short, suggested supply list (for oil and watercolor) will be provided before the workshop. Thomas has been a career artist for nearly 50 years. His travels and museum visits in the U.S. and Europe have influenced his works with the use of light and color. Thomas’ more than 1,400 original works are part of private, public and corporate collections across the U.S. As Thomas enthusiastically believes, “The process is and always will be a thrill”. You can view more of Thomas’ work by visiting his website
When: Sunday, 4/27
Time: 10:00am-4:30pm
Cost: $225
Monotype/Collage Printing with a Gelli Plate
Instructor: Janet Trierweiler
Experimenting with Gelli Plate monotypes has added a fun and exciting new dimension to my painting practice. Working in layers, students will learn to work with mark-making, stencils, masking and making creative tools out of common household items. Learn how to use the right paper to get the affects you desire. Water-based ink, Golden Open Acrylics or fluid acrylics can be used with the Gelli Plates. Short supply list.
When: Saturday, 5/3
Time: 12:30-5:30pm
Cost: $195
Back by popular demand!
Instructor: Fran Vail
The wonderful world of birds - an amazing and plentiful subject! Their independence and miracle of flight right before our eyes can often be overlooked – but don’t! We’ll start by learning to sketch them – a contour common to most species. Then, Fran will demonstrate and teach how to mix colors and “let your brush do the work” to build your skills. (Lots to learn – so please note that the painting demo will begin at noon!)
When: Sunday, 5/4
Time: Noon-5:00pm
Cost $195
Indoor/Outdoor Gouache Painting Workshop
Instructor: Janet Trierweiler
Gouache is a water-based opaque paint with a bright saturated color and velvety matte texture. Ideally suited for beginners through advanced painters, come learn to use gouache paints by exploring creative abstract approaches to landscape painting. We’ll make color sketches and studies outside while enjoying and responding to nature’s colors, textures and light. We’ll combine observational drawing and painting with abstract methods…using layering techniques that are possible in gouache. We’ll return to the studio to complete our works. Bring a lunch/snack for a short break; refrigerator available.
When: Sunday, 5/18
Time: 11:00am-5:00pm
Cost: $210
Join us this spring!