The 12th Annual Art in the Village juried art show sponsored by the North Shore Art League will take place at Hubbard Woods Park (939 Green Bay Road) in Winnetka on June 21st and 22nd, 2025 from 10 am – 5 pm. NSAL, the 100 year old arts organization located in the historic Community House, Winnetka is proud to promote this annual juried art show. The park is a beautiful setting for a summer art fair - in the middle of the Village’s Hubbard Woods Design District. This boutique exhibition features artists from across the country showcasing their work, including oil paintings, mixed media, photography, sculpture, and more.
Glenna Adkins
John Baggio
Stephen Baldauf
Eric Beauchamp
Sher Berman
Linda Bernasconi
Kellie Brace
Sally Brandl
Jerry Brem
Sokol Buza
Soo Chang
Anna Cherkashi
Jeff Condon
Jim and Jo Cook
JD Dennison
Roger Disney
Loura Dobbs
Mark Dreyer
Leslie Emery
Rammina Hamill
Howard Hammel
Jenny Henley
Mark Hersch
Shamila Jiwa
Jane Johnson
Jennifer Kane
Elizabeth Kline
Jack Kraig
Maxwell Kunkle
Eric Lee
Oscar Matos Linares
Bob London
Gary Love
Mays Mayhew
Lori McLaughlin
Igor Menaker
Jill Nahrstedt
David Oleski
Sug O'Shen
Patti Paris-Owens
Edie Ottoman Risher
Kiera Pohl
Patty Ritchie
Zavison Rolfes
Joe Ruck
Jonathan Rutledge
David Sear
Andrew Sechin
Ezra Siegel
Richard Sobkowiak
Sharon Spillar
Peter Stolvoort
Gary Stretar
Luke Stretar
Emre Tekeli
Annie Vedovell
Li Wang
Samuel Yao
Zu Sheng Yu
Judy Zeddies
Jie Zhou
Art in the Village, a summer art fair relies on many volunteers from our community to support the artists. If you are interested in helping out this year, please email or call us at 847-446-2870!