Join us this spring and find inspiration with our talented faculty in our beautiful studio. Enjoy the camaraderie of NSAL students in our art classes or participate in our art exhibits. Here's your chance to experiment with a new medium, take a class you've always wanted to try, or finally get back into painting after taking a break... whatever your motivation. We're here for you!
Spring classes begin Monday, 3/31
Artwork by Peter Bialecki
On display in our 2nd floor gallery space at 620 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka now through April 14, 2025.
Important Dates for Artists:
Artwork pick-up - Tuesday, April 15 - 10:00am - 1:00pm
Artwork by Nancy Behles
Come check out the "Love and Psyche" show by North Shore Art League Member Artist Elizabeth McKenna. This show will be on display through April 13, 2025.
To purchase artwork, please call the office at 847-446-2870 or stop in to see us on the 2nd floor of the Community House, Winnetka at 620 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka. A required 9% sales tax will be added to all purchases from our art exhibits.
A portion of all sales support the NSAL, a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
4th Annual "Inspired by...." Show
April 16 - May 19, 2025
Important Dates for Artists
Application Due - 4/8
Art Drop-off - 4/15 from 10:00am - 1:00pm (2nd floor)
Opening Reception - 4/17 from 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Art Pick-up - 5/20 from 10:00am - 1:00pm (2nd floor)
What inspires your painting? We want to know!
Artwork by Sally Tibbetts “Memories”
Both sweet and sad, memories are a part of our lives. Looking through some old photographs the other day, I thought so much about the past. The woman in this collage is unknown to me. Was she somebody’s sister, mother, aunt? All I have is this lovely photo but somewhere out there someone knew her. Memories can haunt us, can bring happy things and can make us sad too. Someday someone might find a photo of me and ask, who was she?
Putting People/Life into Your Paintings with
Thomas Trausch, 4/27
Monotype/Collage Printing with a Gelli Plate with Janet Trierweiler, 5/3
Explore Birds and Feathers with Fran Vail, 5/4
Indoor/Outdoor Gouache Painting Workshop with Janet Trierweiler, 5/18
Artwork by Thomas Trausch
The 12th Annual Art in the Village juried art show sponsored by the North Shore Art League will take place at Hubbard Woods Park (939 Green Bay Road) in Winnetka on
June 21st and 22nd, 2025 from 10 am – 5 pm.
Welcome...The art community we have fostered here for over 100 years is alive and well! It is a community full of rich experiences, shared passions, creative conversations and special connections through the offering of art classes, exhibits, workshops, lectures and special arts events in Winnetka. Our community happens when we talk to each other at an exhibit; it happens when we get messy in a class; it happens when we sit around a table together to work on projects; it happens when we meet new friends at League events. Art endures - and so has the League! We invite you to explore our adult art classes and art classes for children.
We love our students & artists, so feel free to visit during office hours!
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 3:30pm
Sign up to hear from us about classes, exhibits, and events.